Founders Legacy

Mission: "We the People" demand our elected representatives honor their oath of office to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.  

Founders Legacy recognizes the constitutional republic our founding fathers and ancestors left is not only a legacy, but a sacred trust.  

We therefore commit to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.  

We fight to fulfill the challenge Benjamin Franklin gave us when asked what form of government we have.  Franklin said we have "a republic, if you can keep it".

 "Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom.  It is the argument of tyrants, it is the creed of slaves" - William Pitt

Call to Action

To demand the oath of office be adhered to.  To oppose globalist, communist, anti-constitution politicians, and government employees at all levels to include school boards, local government, town halls, county government, state and federal entities.

To organize, protest, and boycott commercial and government entities that promote and attempt to normalize moral decay in opposition to traditional family values.  To expose political organizations, individuals and activities that do not honor their oath to support and defend the constitution, but rather are the "enemies foreign and domestic".  To support parents and their children as we assert that public education curricula provide focused civics education on the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution.  We demand an education that teaches the actual language, not a politicized revision we now see even on government websites.

To shine a beacon of hope on the future of our constitutional republic by protecting life, liberty and property rights of the individual espousing the non-aggression principle, and without compromise defend the Bill of Rights that has come under unprecedented attack.

To actively promote and defend individuals, organizations and small businesses as alternatives to large corporate entities who have conspired to promote an anti-constitutional agenda and attack small businesses during ongoing, planned economic warfare under the guise of public health, climate change, and economic crises.

We the People Unite to Defend the Founders' Legacy

We must never forget that the founders' legacy is ours to defend.  Our descendants will judge our actions.

Subscribe to our mailing list to stay abreast of our efforts and to join the growing men and women of honor, the minutemen of our time.  We are a non-profit 501(c) 4 organization focused on political advocacy, education of the public, and in terms of the Internal Revenue Code's non-profit categories, a "social welfare" organization.  We need your support to help take up the defense of our constitutional republic and the freedoms that we inherited from the founders, that is the legacy we leave our descendants.

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